Thank You, With Love

I always love cupcakes in a box. Its chic and elegant and can convey a beautiful message. My client wanted to give her colleagues a thank you gift before she embarked on an overseas trip to pursue her masters degree.

Her only request was thank you toppers and a mix of chocolate and red velvet cupcakes. Simplicity is always the best. 🙂

I made my usual chocolate cupcakes frosted with chocolate buttercream and red velvet cupcakes frosted with cream cheese frosting. Again, the toppers were hand made by me. Stay tuned for more of my diy crafts!

IMG_7414 IMG_7417 IMG_7419Have a safe journey veronica and I wish you all the best with your masters! xx

Happy Birthday Sathish!

So two weekends ago was my very dear friend Sathish’s birthday. He had been hinting about trying one of my cakes and since his birthday was coming up I decided to make him a ‘manly’ birthday cake. If you have noticed, all my cakes have a very girly and chic element to it and since he is a pilot with SQ so I don’t think he would want ruffles or bright colours for his cake. 😉

I decided to go with a simple 6 inch two layered red velvet cake decorated with chocolate buttercream. I used a star shape tip and basically piped buttercream stars all around the cake and completed it with home made flag toppers. The result came out surprisingly beautiful and effortless. Sathish’s first reaction was ‘how manly!’. I nailed it to a tee!


Happy Birthday my dear friend! xx

Lil’ Mini Minions

A special little boy requested minion cupcakes and his wish was my command!

The cupcakes were combined flavors of chocolate and chocolate buttercream, lemon with lemon buttercream, and red velvet with cream cheese frosting. The look was finished of with hand made toppers (yes I have found another craft!).

IMG_7212Happy Birthday Rei! xx

Blue Ombre Petals

Hello everyone!

Apologies for my absence as I was away for 6 weeks during Leala’s mid year break. With all the jet lag, fatigue and a crazy first weekend home, I am now back to the grind and in routine again.

So on the weekend of July 13th I had two big orders to fulfill and one of them was this beautiful petal cake. My friend Samantha had ordered this for her son’s 2nd birthday and left the design up to me.

The inside of the cake was red velvet layered with cream cheese frosting and on the outside I used a regular vanilla buttercream in different shades of blue. This looks easy but it took almost an hour just to frost the outside of the cake. You need a clear head, total focus and your airconditioning running (especially in our humid weather)! Luckily my jet lag and curious kids did not interfere and I was very very satisfied with the outcome of the cake. 🙂


I finished the look with a custom made cake topper and pin wheels, perfect for a happy little boy.

Happy Birthday Mitchell! xx

Pretty Flowers in a Pot – Part 2

What a crazy weekend it has been! I hope all of you had a good mother’s day celebration. 🙂

My busy week started on Thursday with a few requests for flower pots. Like I mentioned in my previous post, I think a cupcake flower pot is sweet and elegant and when you see it up close it just says it all.


I never thought piping sunflowers, hydrangeas and daisies could be so therapeutic. 🙂

Have a good week ahead everyone!

Happy Birthday Hubs!

Now I couldn’t be more excited then baking for my husband! He is super picky and not a huge fan of cake and icing so I was all out to prove him wrong and make him love cake!

Since I had so much leftover chocolate butter cream from Dazza’s cake and didn’t want it to go to waste, I used it to frost hubby’s cake. I baked two thick 6 inch layers of red velvet cake and generously layered on the icing. This time I tried another icing technique which is the ridged look. I finished off the look by icing little chocolate dots around the bottom of the cake. I really love this because it looks simple and elegant and I am all about simplicity. It is absolute key!

Again I used banners because they are now so trendy and chic and I thought a 36 year old doesn’t need to read icing that says happy birthday!

I loved the result and what’s even better is hubby finished a fat slice of cake and until the last drop of icing. Success!!





Happy Birthday my darling, I love you so much! xx